Pictures with memories / Illustrations
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- Photo illustration. -
The background is the picture you sent me.
I'm going to paint the character in my own style.
I want to take pictures of couples, families, friends, and so on.
그림으로 남기고싶다면 신청해주세요 :D
너무 가깝거나 혹은 너무 멀지않은 전신 사진 또는 상반신 사진이 좋아요!
그림은 SNS 프로필 사진, 그림 선물, 휴대폰 케이스 등 다양한 방법으로 활용이 가능합니다

Order of operation: inquiry and application → deposit → operation
→ Complete
* The operation period will take up to 1 to 3 days at the earliest.
* I will send you two pictures with my name in the corner of the picture & not in the picture!
* Can be used for picture Instagram or portfolio purposes Tell me if you don't want to!
* Commercially unavailable
Price is 1 person (regardless of upper body/body type) 15000
a two-person poem

(No matter what the upper body/body)
Open Kakao Talk
See Original

Profile Image -35612099

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